What Is Mu Not In Magnetic Field. So, you should recheck your calculation. The amount of resistance offered against the formation of a magnetic field in vacuum is measured by the mu naught value.

Similarly, is biot savart legal? B field is dependent to a considerable extent on currents, both microscopic and macroscopic while the h field depends on microscopic currents. It is often misspelt as mu not instead of mu naught.
The Manchester (e,2e) Experimental Hardware page prepared by Andrew Murray Page Updated on 15th
The magnetic field produced by permanent magnets is due to magnetization current densities inside ferromagnetic materials. With a thin shield 0.4 away from a dc2 disc magnet, steel reduces the field to a much lower number than mumetal. So that changes my value of. Sometimes the approximation is made that $\vec{b} = \mu \vec{h}$, but this runs into trouble in even quite ordinary magnetic materials that have a permanent magnetisation or suffer from hysteresis and the general relationship is that $$ \vec{b} = \mu_0 (\vec{h} + \vec{m}) , $$ where $\vec{m}$ is the magnetisation field (permanent or induced.